Phyto Diagnostics Company Limited was established in 1996 to provide diagnostic testing services for seed potato growers. We also provide testing services and diagnostic reagent sets for a wide range of other crops including: small fruit, tree fruit, grapevine, hops, greenhouse vegetables, ornamentals and field crops.
We have a full service monoclonal antibody facility and produce diagnostic reagents for government laboratories, private laboratories, universities, and other diagnostic test kit producers. Our reagents provide rapid and reliable detection of their targeted plant pathogens. Our staff members, former employees of the Research Branch of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, have research experience in virology, immunology, plant pathology and practical diagnostics.
Phyto Diagnostics is a fully approved laboratory under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) National Approval Program and is approved for regulatory CFIA inspection requirement testing for the federal Seed Potato Certification Program.