CFIA D-97-12
How to Take a BRR Core from a Tuber:

Image credit: CFIA D-97-12
Sample Sizes Required for BRR Testing:

Table information from: CFIA D-97-12
Specifications for Samples Being Submitted:
Samples must be properly identified with completed BRR tags attached prior to shipping. Original, signed tags in duplicate are required for each seed lot tested; include one tag (waterproofed in some way) inside with the sample, and attach a second tag to the outside of the sample bag.
Samples should be clean and dry and shipped shortly after coring; refrigerate after collection until ready to ship. Pack samples carefully in perforated breathable bags, ensuring that your samples are protected against overheating or freezing while in transit. Please do not ship moist samples in airtight bags; samples that have decayed in transit cannot be used for testing.
Core samples must be submitted using a courier service to avoid deterioration of the sample in transit; the shipping label must be initialled by the person submitting the sample.
Please Note:
Any seed lots being shipped to Idaho require an additional PCR test for BRR.
The sample size for Idaho seed lots > 0.1 acres is 400 cores, so if the sample being submitted under the Canadian BRR requirement (see above table) is less than 400 tubers/cores, additional tuber/cores must be provided to make up the difference.
These tubers/cores must be identified as being for the Idaho BRR PCR test.